10 best Laptops For Remote work in 2021

It can be daunting trying to find one of the best laptops for remote work. There are tons of articles out there and so numerous laptops claiming to be the so-called “best.”

I’ve been freelancing for practically a year now full-time, and the majority of my work is done on a laptop.

I’ve found a good work-from-home laptop that works best for me and have spent quite a long time researching other laptops, too, before making this purchase.

This list will review all of the top laptops that you’ll want to consider — from the best budget laptop for remote work, to much more expensive ones. Whether you’re a Windows or Apple lover, this post has got you covered.

Here are the best laptops for working at home, or abroad. 

Things To consider When choosing a laptop For Remote Work
Mac vs. PC
1. Macbook Pro
2. Macbook Air
3. Google Pixelbook Go
4. Acer Aspire 7
5. Dell XPS 13
6. Microsoft surface book 3
7. ASUS Zenbook 15
8. Samsung Galaxy book S
9. HP Envy x360
10. Lenovo ThinkPad E15

Things To consider When choosing a laptop For Remote Work

When searching for the best laptops for remote work, there are quite a few things that you will want to think about.

Learn much more about the top considerations below before we dig into information about the particular laptops.

1. Size

When trying to find the best laptop for a remote desktop, you’ll want to think about the size. Do you want a big computer or do you want a smaller one?

The size of your laptop is extremely essential to consider if you’ll be travelling a lot. A large laptop is going to be much more challenging if you work in a different remote location every week, so you may want to consider a smaller one.

However, if you’ll mainly just be working remotely around your town and co-working spaces, you could consider a clunkier laptop that might have a bit much more power because you won’t be lugging it around in a backpack everywhere.

2. Battery

Battery life is another consideration when searching for the best laptops for remote working. If you’re near a plug whatsoever times, then battery life might not be as essential to you. You’ll be able to plug in your computer whenever you need to, so it won’t be an issue.

Digital nomads will want a computer that can sustain being unplugged for an extended period of time. much of their work might be done at the beach or in airports where it will be challenging to find a place to charge a laptop.

Laptops vary immensely when it concerns battery life, and it might just be your many essential consideration.

3. Abilities

Abilities are critical depending on your line of work when searching for a good work-from-home laptop.

If you’re a video editor, for instance, you’re going to need a computer that can deal with your software without dying quickly, running slowly, and making tons of noise.

Another interesting computer ability is also a touch screen, which you might consider if you’re an artist.

Having a touch screen or a laptop that converts into a tablet could be important to you because it is much more versatile. Plus, it’s simpler to carry around a computer that converts into a tablet instead of a laptop and a tablet simultaneously.

Think about the abilities that you need a computer to have when searching for the best laptops for remote work.

4. Purpose

What’s the purpose of your laptop? 

If you’re a freelance writer who works from home, then you’re going to want to consider finding a computer with a comfortable keyboard. You might want to try it out in person at a store before purchasing it to make sure it’s comfortable.

If you’re editing videos or doing graphic design, maybe you’ll want a larger screen. Or, possibly you’ll often be working in the dark or at night, so you’ll want a computer that has a solid light-up keyboard.

Think about these options when purchasing a laptop for your remote work.

5. Price

Last but not least, the price is significant. Luckily, this post does include the best budget laptop for remote work, which can be found later in the article.

Computers range greatly in price. Some smaller laptops can be purchased for as little as $300 USD, but they might not have that numerous capabilities. On the high end, you’ll find computers around $2,000 USD and up.

If you know you want a first-class computer but don’t want to pay the price, you could also consider purchasing a refurbished laptop. numerous companies sell them refurbished and are extremely trustworthy.

Mac vs. PC

This short article would not be complete without at least talking about the argument between Mac and PC computers. much more often than not, many people will have an opinion of one versus the other. 

Traditionally, Mac computers tend to be much more expensive. They tend to be preferred by graphic designers, architects, and people who want to relocation between their Apple products seamlessly.

Air dropping between products makes it so easy to send files from one device to another.

PC computers are typically much more budget-friendly. While they are often wanted to as the best computers for video gamers, they often last longer than Mac computers by at least a few years.

Another stark difference between the two is that Mac computers can’t get viruses, while PC computers can.

Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you’d rather have a Mac or a PC computer. It depends on what type of capabilities and pricing you’re looking for, as well as your personal preference of brand.

Here’s my list of the 10 best laptops for remote work this year — Apple and PC.

1. Macbook Pro

16-inch screen

256 GB or 512 GB of storage

8 GB of memory

3 pounds (1.4 kg)

Two thunderbolt ports (no USBs)

Touchscreen bar ability

20-hour battery life

Best for graphic designers and video editors

Learn much more here

The Macbook pro is hands-down the best computer out there if you work in the design space. It’s not that heavy and can run all Adobe programs extremely easily without shutting down quickly.

Plus, the laptop tends to last about three to five years, depending on how well you take care of it.

This is the best laptop for remote desktop as a designer or video editor because it also easily connects with your other Apple products. So, if you sketch something out on your iPad, you can airdrop it to your laptop within seconds.

The battery life is impeccable, but of course, running lots of design applications at the same time might kill it a bit faster.

However, because the battery life is pretty high, this is also a great laptop if you’re a digital nomad — you won’t have to worry about charging your computer all the time while you’re on the go.

I chose to use the Macbook pro back in 2016 and it’s the computer I’ve been using ever since.

I would never consider switching to anything else, but I’m also a graphic designer and site designer who needs an Apple computer. I often use my iPad for designs too, which I can perfectly send to this computer in a heartbeat.

If you’re searching for one of the best laptops for remote work and you’re an Apple fan, look no even more than the Macbook Pro.

Editor’s note: Apple ought to be coming out with the MacBook16″ M1 chip later this year, which would be a game-changer. At the time of writing, this 16″ is probably still the best for online workers due to the screen size. 


2. Macbook Air

13.3-inch screen

256 or 512 GB of storage

8 GB of memory

2.8 pounds (1.29 kg)

Two thunderbolt ports (no USBs)

18 hours of battery life

Best for creatives who want a thin laptop

Learn much more here

If you want a thinner computer, but you’re a designer, video editor, creative, or a huge fan of Apple products, then the Macbook Air could be ideal for you.

It’s one of the best laptops for remote working because of its small size, making it easy to bring from place to place if you don’t often work in the same spot.

While it only has eighteen hours of battery life compared to the Macbook Pro’s twenty, you won’t even notice the two-hour difference. Plus, the odds of you working for twenty hours straight are probably slim.

This computer also has the same screen size as the Macbook pro and costs a lot less than it, making it such an outstanding option for remote workers.

This is also a good work-from-home laptop because it also connects with all the other Apple products and comes in various colour options. It’s also often considered to be the best budget laptop for remote work if you’re an Apple fan.


3. Google Pixelbook Go

13.3-inch screen

64 GB of storage

8 GB of memory

2.33 pounds (1.06 kg)

No USB port

12 hours of battery life


Best for if you want a lightweight laptop

Learn much more here

If a lightweight computer is what you’re after, then this is one of the best laptops for remote workers that you’ll want to consider buying.

The laptop is a touchscreen Chromebook, and it has one of the best battery lives for the type of computer that it is.

If you are doing a lot of work that includes writing, blogging, or something like virtual assistance, this could be a great option. even thouGH et ehkä ole merkittävin Chromebooks -fani, tämä erottuu muusta sen hauskojen ominaisuuksiensa vuoksi.

Yksi ominaisuuksista, joita sillä on, on se, mitä Google haluaa kutsua ”Hush Keysiksi”. Tämä tarkoittaa, että näppäimistö on tehty tekniikalla, joka tekee kirjoittamisestasi paljon hiljaisemman.

Tämä voi olla hyödyllistä, jos matkustat usein muiden kanssa tai vihaat kirjoittamisen ääntä kuten minä!

Google Pixelbook Go on myös erilaisia ​​värejä, joten pystyt varmasti ilmaisemaan itseäsi kannettavalla tietokoneellasi. Lisäksi se on melko budjettiystävällinen verrattuna muihin tämän luettelon tietokoneisiin.

Näkymä Amazoniin

4. Acer Aspire 7

15,6 tuuman näyttö

512 Gt tallennustilaa

8 Gt muistia

4,85 kiloa (2,2 kg)

7 tuntia akun käyttöikää

Paras luotettavuuteen

Opi paljon enemmän täältä

Acer Aspire 7 on yksi parhaimmista kannettavista tietokoneista etätyöhön, jos et usein toimi useissa paikoissa. Sitä pidetään myös “Amazon’s Choice”.

Kannettavan tietokoneen kokonaispaino on 4,85 kiloa, mikä on hiukan suurempi kuin muut tämän luettelon kannettavat tietokoneet, mutta se on luotettava vaihtoehto, joka kestää sinut jo jonkin aikaa.

Se on ohut ja on erinomainen hinta sen ominaisuuksista. Lisäksi siinä on kaksi USB -porttia, toisin kuin monet muut tämän luettelon kannettavat tietokoneet, mikä sanoo paljon ottaen huomioon, että se on edelleen ohuempi kannettava tietokone. Suuri näytön koko on ihanteellinen, jos sinulla on paljon kattavaa työtä.

Monet arvioijat ovat sanoneet, että tietokone on nopea ja saapuu nopeammin kuin muut aiemmin omistamansa kannettavat tietokoneet. Jos aika on arvokas, tämä voi olla sinulle erinomainen vaihtoehto kotona työskennellessäsi.

Yksi mielessä on se, että tietokoneella ei ole SD -paikkaa, mutta et todennäköisesti tarvitse sellaista, ellet ole valokuvaaja tai videokuvaaja. Voit myös ostaa myös plug-in-muunnon, jos joudut koskaan käyttämään SD-korttia työn aikana.

Tämä on todella loistava vaihtoehto harkita, oletko freelance -kirjailija tai bloggaaja, joka ei tarvitse lukuisia ominaisuuksia, mutta haluaa loistavan tietokoneen.

Valitettavasti tietokoneella ei ole kovin pitkää akun käyttöikää, mutta pelkästään online -kirjoittaminen tai selaaminen ei aio käyttää akkua niin nopeasti.

Näkymä Amazoniin

5. Dell XPS 13

13,4 tuuman näyttö

512 Gt tallennustilaa

16 Gt muistia

2,8 kiloa (1,3 kg)

12 tuntia akun käyttöikää

Paras Windows -käyttäjille (vs. Apple)

Opi paljon enemmän täältä

Vaikka Dell -tietokoneet saavat usein huonon maineen, tämä on hieno kannettava tietokone etätyöntekijöille. Lisäksi se käyttää Windows -käyttöliittymää, joten jos et ole Applen fani, pidät varmasti tästä tietokoneesta.

Aluksi siinä on paljon enemmän muistin tallennustilaa kuin muilla tämän luettelon kannettavilla tietokoneilla. Dell XPS 13 voi olla ihanteellinen, jos tiedät, että sinulla on tonnia välilehtiä auki kerralla tai jos käytät useita sovelluksia tietokoneellasi samanaikaisesti.

Näytön koko on hyvä ja on samankokoinen kuin lukuisat muut tämän luettelon tietokoneet, ja siinä on myös melko hyvä akun käyttöikä.

Näyttö on myös 4K, joten värit ovat aika elinvoimaisia. Tämä voi olla paljon näkyvämpää, jos olet suunnittelija tai työskentelet usein värien tai videon kanssa työskentelyn aikana.

Jos huomaat, että tarvitset paljon enemmän tallennustilaa kiintolevylläsi 512 Gt: n sijasta, voit maksaa ja saada sen päivittämään 1 TB: ksi, mikä on hämmästyttävä määrä tallennustilaa.

Näkymä Amazoniin

6. Microsoft surface book 3

13,5 tuuman näyttö

512 Gt tallennustilaa

32 GB of memory

3,62 kiloa (1,64 kg)

15 hours of battery life

Best laptop that converts into a tablet

Learn much more here

If you’re searching for one of the best laptops for remote work that doubles as a tablet, then you’ll want to check out the Microsoft surface book 3. It has a great battery life and is pretty power

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