Last Updated: 02/04/20 | February 4th, 2020

Borobudur is an 9th-century Buddhist monument in Indonesia. It’s really the largest Buddhist temple in the world! The ancient complex comprises six square platforms topped by three circular platforms embellished with 2,672 relief panels as well as 504 Buddha statues.

It’s massive!

I’ve always been fascinated by this location ever considering that I heard about it on national Geographic. I’ve checked out books about Borobudur as well as enjoyed TV programs on it. I understood I had to see this location before I died.

And fortunately, I did!

If you’re going to be backpacking Indonesia, be sure to add a go to to Borobudur to your itinerary. It’s a unique monument worth a visit.

To assist you make the most out of your visit, here’s my detailed guide to checking out Borobudur!


The history of Borobudur

Tips for checking out Borobudur

Visiting Borobudur: Logistics

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The history of Borobudur

This entire 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist complex is really a gigantic allegory for enlightenment. It was built under the policy of the Sailendra Dynasty, ultimately being abandoned in the 14th century as the region slowly started to convert to Islam.

There is no record of the complex being built, though it was likely established around the year 800 CE.

The temple was neglected as well as ultimately buried under jungle as well as volcanic ash. In the 19th century, when the British ruled the region, it was rediscovered. In 1814, with 200 men, Lieutenant Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles cut down the surrounding trees to expose the temple complex. considering that then, it’s been a growing vacationer draw for the region.

Visiting the temple, you’ll see that the journey begins at the base of the temple as well as complies with a path with the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, namely Kamadhatu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms), as well as Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness).

The Buddhist pilgrim starts at the bottom as well as moves up when they have deciphered each relief. Each relief describes a mentor of the Buddha, as well as when you figure it out, you step on to the next. They progressively get harder, as well as by the time you surface the last one, you are on the top as well as — in theory — enlightened.

Tips for checking out Borobudur

To assist you make the most of your visit, right here are some travel ideas for checking out Borobudur:

Arrive early – This location will get congested fast. show up early to beat the crowd (either by doing a sunrise excursion or by showing up before 6am to wait on the gates to open).

Avoid the weekend – The crowds right here are greatest on the weekends. try to go to during the week to beat the vacationer rush.

Dress easily – gown properly however likewise easily as you’re going to be on your feet for a while as your explore.

Bring water – This temple is large, as well as when you aspect in a bus trip you’re going to get thirsty. Bring water as well as snacks.

Stay close-by – It’s a 90-minute drive from Yogyakarta. If you want to get right here early as well as beat the crowds, stay closer. It won’t be as inexpensive however you’ll be able to have a much a lot more satisfying visit.

Visiting Borobudur: Logistics

The site is available to the public from 6am to 5pm daily. Ticket are $25 USD per person for adults as well as $15 USD for kids aged 3-10 (kids under 3 go into free).

A integrated ticket for Borobudur in addition to the Prambanan temples will expense $45 USD per person ($27 for kids).

There is likewise a everyday Borobudur Sunrise excursion for $35 USD. This is the excursion where you can snap those Insta-worthy shots of the temple at dawn (see the top picture on this publish for an exmaple!).

You’ll get a flashlight as well as a lift as much as the temple entrance at 4:30am, just in time to see the sunrise as well as check out the site before the vacationer crowd arrives. To get the most out of your visit, think about hiring a guide who can describe the reliefs so you can comprehend the temple a bit better.

Not surprisingly, This site is the most prominent vacationer attraction in Indonesia. the most typical method to get right here is by means of public bus to Borobudur from Yogyakarta, however, this is aimed mainly at Indonesian visitors as well as only a few tourists venture aboard.

If you are feeling adventurous though, the Trans-Jogya service runs from central Yogyakarta to the Jombor bus terminal in northern Yogyakarta where you can modification to one more bus to get to Borobudur. The bus will expense less than $1 USD.

For a bundle deal, travel agents in Yogyakarta likewise offer door-to-door minibus excursion bundles for around $6 USD, which is a great offer as well as the simplest method to get to as well as from the monument.

Visiting Borobudur: FAQ

What must I wear to the BorobuDur -temppeli?
Haluat pukeutua kunnioittavasti ja konservatiivisesti, koska tämä on uskonnollinen kompleksi. Käytä löysää vaatteita, jotka peittävät hartiat ja polvet. Ehdotan, että käytät housuja, koska temppelin yläosaan johtavat vaiheet ovat korkeat ja eivät sovi shortseihin tai hameihin. Käytä myös mukavia jalkineita ottaen huomioon, että olet jaloillasi jonkin aikaa. Auringonnousun nauttiminen temppelin yläosassa voi olla viileä, etenkin talvella, joten tuo kevyt takki tai villapaita.

Mistä Borobudurin temppeli on tehty?
Temppeli on valmistettu kivistä, ja se koostuu yhdeksästä pinotusta alustasta, kuudesta neliöstä, samoin kuin kolmesta pyöreästä alustasta, joiden päällä on kupoli.

Kuinka pääsen Borobuduriin?
Voit ottaa julkisen bussin Yogyakartalta alle 1 dollarilla USD tai ottaa minibussin noin 6 dollarilla USD. Matka kestää 60–90 minuuttia.

Paljonko Borobudurille pääsymaksu on?
Sisäänpääsy on 25 dollaria USD aikuisille.

Onko Borobudur maailman suurin buddhalainen temppeli?
Jep! Se on valtava temppelikompleksi ja rakentaa todella 75 vuotta!

Borobudur on yksi uskomattomimmista historiallisista kohteista maailmassa, samoin kuin yksi ainutlaatuisimmista. Olen kiehtonut siitä. Suuri osa matkustajista menee Indonesiaan ja pysy vain Balilla, mutta jos teet menetelmäsi Balilta ja Java -alueelta, muista mennä tälle sivustolle. Et tule pettymään.

Varaa matkasi Indonesiaan: logistiset ideat ja temppuja
Varaa lentosi
Löydä edullinen lento käyttämällä Skyscanneria tai Momondoa. Ne ovat kaksi ensisijaista selaa -moottoria, koska ne selaavat verkkosivustoja sekä lentoyhtiöitä ympäri maailmaa, joten ymmärrät aina, ettei kiveä jätetä kääntämättä.

Varaa majoitus
Voit varata hostellisi Hostelworldin kanssa. Jos haluat pysyä muualla kuin hostellissa, käytä -sivustoa, koska ne palauttavat jatkuvasti kalliita hintoja majataloille ja edullisille hotelleille.

Älä muista matkavakuutusta
Matkavakuutusturva varmistaa sinut sairauksista, loukkaantumisista, varkauksista ja peruutuksista. Se on yksityiskohtainen turvallisuus tilanteessa Kaikki menee pieleen. En koskaan lähde matkalle ilman sitä, koska minun on joutunut hyödyntämään sitä monta kertaa aiemmin. Olen käyttänyt maailman paimentolaisia ​​kymmenen vuotta. Suositeltavan yritykseni, joka tarjoaa parasta palvelua ja arvoa, ovat:

Turvallisuussiipi (kaikille alle 70)

Vakuuta matkani (yli 70) niille

Etsitkö parasta yritystä säästää rahaa?
Katso Resource -sivulta parasta yritystä, jota käytetään matkustaessasi! Listaan ​​kaikki käyttämäni säästääkseni rahaa matkustettaessa – samoin kuin uskon auttavan sinua myös!

Haluatko paljon lisätietoja Indonesiasta?
Muista siirtyä Indonesian vankkaan kohdeoppaaseen jopa paljon enemmän suunnitteluvinkkejä!

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