PARIS ON A BUDGET: travel guide & itinerary

Years ago, when major news websites published articles claiming that one can enjoy Paris for less than P60,000, I took it with a grain of salt. but I’ve done it myself, and I can tell you that it is possible. Se voi olla tehty.

In pop culture, Paris is heavily romanticized as one incredibly stunning city. In reality, it is exactly that. even better.

On my first day in Paris, the first thing I did was go up to the open-air observatory of tour Montparnasse to have what many regard as the best view of the city. I remember that moment after emerging from the elevator: I turned right and was right away greeted by the ever-so-captivating Eiffel Tower. It was the first of the many times the hair at the back of my neck rose for all the good reasons.

Each of my Paris trips is a realization of a life-long dream. growing up, I was a fan of French Cinema. At film school, I worshipped Francois Truffaut. I adore French food. I even learned the French language in college. It was as though life had been preparing me for my week-long affairs with this city.


WHERE TO stay IN PARISTop Hostels and budget hotels in Paris
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HOW TO get around PARIS
THINGS TO do in PARISEiffel Tower
Tour Montparnasse
The Louvre
Trocadero Viewpoint
Walk from the Arc de Triomphe, through Champs Elysees, to place de la Concorde to the Tuileries
Walk from Le Marais to the Notre Dame Cathedral to the Latin Quarter
Pere Lachaise Cemetery

DAY trips FROM PARISVersailles
Mont Saint Michel

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Paris is the political, economic, and cultural capital of France. It has a long history as a settlement, which dates back to 250 BC when a Celtic sub-tribe inhabited the island in the middle of the River Seine called Ile de la Cite. The name of that tribe? Parisii. Or at least, that’s what the Romans called them.

The Romans, led by Titus Labienus, conquered them in 52 BC and set up a garrison town named Lutetia. When the Roman empire crumbled, it fell under the rule of Clovis I, the King of the Franks. since then, this little garrison town at the bank of the river has grown and flourished into what we call now “Paris,” an important city that has played vital role in the history and politics of Europe, has nurtured many terrific minds over centuries, and has become a champion for democracy and freedom. much of the city is inscribed as a UNESCO world Heritage Site. The Parisians’ sophisticated taste and state of mind have also made it the world’s fashion capital and a center for many forms of art.

Today, Paris is divided into 20 districts called “arrondissements.” It is important to have at least a basic understanding of it because it will help you make decisions on building your itinerary or choosing accommodations. We’ll discuss this in detail in the WHERE TO stay section.

Aside from the arrondissements, another way of slicing the Paris pie is using the metro/RER zones. central Paris is Zones 1-3 and the farther you go from the center, the higher the zone number. Versailles is in zone 4. CDG airport is in zone 5. These zones matter when purchasing metro passes. See the how TO get around section below.


Here are some other things you might need:

Schengen-viisumi. If you’re holding a Philippine passport, here’s how to get one successfully.

Paris Metro Map App. You’ll see a lot of subway maps around but nothing is more efficient than an app. I personally prefer this app because it’s FREE, has a built in map, and has route recommendations. It can discover station nearest you. All you need to do is enter the name of your destination and it will suggest 2 routes: the simplest route (with the fewest train changes), and the fastest route. If you don’t know the name of the station, you can enter the name of the tourist attraction (Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, etc.) and it will display the metro station closest to it.

A well-planned itinerary. the worst thing that can happen is spending most of your time on the train because of poor planning. Make sure you check out the attractions close to each other on the same day.

A passport-size photo, if you’re going to purchase a NAVIGO Découverte card, which will allow you unlimited metro and RER train rides for a whole week. more about that below.

An acceptance that you can’t see and do it all. Paris has a lot to offer. PALJON. You can’t possibly see it all in a week or two. Don’t overload your itinerary and end up seeing so little of everything. Relax, take your time, and enjoy.


Today, Paris is divided into 20 districts called “arrondissements.” know that the center of Paris is called the 1st Arrondissement, and the other districts surrounding it are numbered in a clockwise spiral. This means that 1st arrondissement is surrounded by the 2nd to the 8th, which are surrounded by the 9th to 20th. here are the arrondissements that you should be familiar with.

The 1st to 9th Arrondissements are where most tourist attractions are located. Upscale hotels can also be found here.

The 10th to 20th Arrondissements are where you’ll find most major train terminals and cheaper accommodations. There are also some places of interest here that are worth a visit.

Artwork by Jpatokal (WikiTravel). Creative Commons
Don’t get too overwhelmed. You don’t need to memorize this. but this will help you choose where to stay or plan where to go. The truth is, Paris isn’t that big of a city. You can cross arrondissements on foot in a matter of minutes. You can even walk across the city in just a few hours.

As with many other cities around the world, the closer you are to the Paris city center the more expensive accommodations get. even the properties listed on AirBnB can be pricey, depending on the location.

In Paris, there’s a high concentration of budget hotels and hostels in the areas near Montmartre (18th and 12th arrondissements), place d’Italie (13th Arrondissement), and Voltaire area (11th Arrondissement). I have tried staying in place d’Italie and Voltaire area, and I liked the latter because it is much closer to the city center and has a terrific vibe. For most of our stay in Paris, we stayed at Au Royale Mad, a pretty basic budget hotel in Voltaire but it’s in good location.

Top Hostels and budget hotels in Paris

Here are some of the top-rated hostels, guesthouses/apartments, and budget hotels in Paris, as reviewed by Agoda customers.

Hotel Paris Voltaire. check rates & Availability! ✅

Hotel de L’Esperance. check rates & Availability! ✅

Residence Hoche. check rates & Availability! ✅

Le village Montmartre by Hiphophostels. check rates & Availability! ✅

The loft boutique Hostel & Hotel. check rates & Availability! ✅

Audran Hotel. check rates & Availability! ✅

B&B hotel PARIS GENNEVILLIERS ASNIERES. check rates & Availability! ✅

Search for more Paris Hotels!


As always, use flight aggregator sites like SkyScanner to check for the lowest fare. should there be any connecting flights, make sure that the incoming and outgoing flights are using the same airport.

If you’re coming from the Manila, I have found that EVA Air, China Eastern, and China southern offer the cheapest year-round fares with only one stop. just a bit above P30,000 only. Others offer less but take too many plane changes. You can also find cheaper fares during SEAT SALES.

When I was planning my trip, I saw fares for P29,000, but it was gone by the time I was issued a visa. Haha. but it proves that finding fares for less than P30,000 is completely possible. You just need to be patient and book in advance.


Know that Paris is served by 3 airports: Charles de Gaulle (CDG), Orly (ORY), and Beauvais (BVA). but you’re most likely to be flying in via CDG.

CDG has three terminals, with terminal 3 situated between 1 and 2. (Confusing, I know.) terminal 2 is divided further into 7 sub-terminals: 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, and 2G. only Terminals 2 and 3 have train stations.

The cheapest and fastest way to get to the city center from the airport is the RER B (blue) train line that makes a stop at both terminal 2 (between 2F and 2E) and terminal 3. After going through the immigration counters, baggage carousel, and customs, just follow the signs that lead to TRAINS TO THE CITY. also look for the RER sign.

If your flight is landing at terminal 1, here’s how to do it:

Take the free CDGVAL airport shuttle train to terminal 3. After going through Immigration, look for the CDGVAL signs, which are all around terminal 1. Board the shuttle to terminal 3.

At terminal 3, you will be greeted by a large hall. walk straight and you will see on your left white-and-fuchsia vending machines. You can buy one-way ticket to the city center for EUR 10. The machine accepts only Euro coins or chip-enabled credit cards.

If you don’t have either, find the manned ticket booths to your right. You can buy a ticket here. OR, you can buy a NAVIGO PASS, which I will explain below.

NAVIGO WEEK PASS and how to get One

If you’re arriving in Paris on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday by plane, it would be good to purchase a NAVIGO Découverte, a card that will allow you unlimited rides to the metro, RER trains, trams, and buses for a week. It’s a good buy because, as I said earlier, the fare from the airport to the city center alone is EUR 10. round trip is EU 20. but a NAVIGO Découverte costs only EU 22.15 plus another EUR 5 for the actual card. total of EUR 27.15. It already covers all 5 tourism zones of Paris.

Another case that proves Navigo DÉcouverte viisas valinta on, kun matkustat Versaillesiin. Pelkästään Versaillesiin matka maksaa 7,10 euroa. Mutta Versailles on vyöhykkeellä 4, ja Navigo peittää sen. Sinun ei tarvitse ostaa uutta lippua päästäksesi sinne. Sama pätee Disneyland Pariisiin, joka on vyöhykkeellä 5.

Mutta siellä on saalis. Ajoitus on kaikki Navigon suhteen. Jokainen kortti on voimassa vain maanantaista 00:00 (12 mn) sunnuntaihin 23.59 (klo 23.59). Siinä ei oteta huomioon, mikä päivä käytät sitä ensin. Joten esimerkiksi ostat sen keskiviikkona, joka antaa sinulle vain 4 päivää käyttää korttia. Sinun on ladattava se uudelleen maanantaina, jos haluat silti jatkaa sen käyttöä.

Tästä syystä he lopettavat Navigo Découverten myymisen viikolle torstaina 23.59. Jos ostat perjantaina, tämä passi on voimassa tulevana maanantaina, ei samalla viikolla.

Jos haluat ostaa Navigo Découverte -kortin, tässä sinun on tehtävä:

Lähestyä lippuikkunaa missä tahansa metro- tai RER -rautatieasemalla.

Kerro henkilökunnalle, että ostat navigo découverte -kortin kaikille viidelle vyöhykkeelle. He pyytävät sinulta valokuvaa (300 mm x 250 mm). Joskus he hyväksyvät passikokoisen kuvan. Jos sinulla ei ole kuvaa, melkein jokaisessa Pariisin asemassa on Photomaton -osastoja.

Henkilökunta kokoaa sitten kortin sinulle ja selittää miten se toimii.

Maksa siitä. 5 euroa kortista ja 22,15 euroa kuormasta.

Se siitä. Voit käyttää sitä heti. Levitä vain skannerin yläpuolella oleva kortti, kun siirryt mihin tahansa asemaan.

Navigon kuukausittainen passi on saatavana myös 73 euroa.

Kuinka kiertää Pariisi

Paras tapa nähdä Pariisi: jalka. Pariisi on erittäin kävelykelpoinen kaupunki, koska se ei ole niin suuri ja siellä on paljon mielenkiintoisia asioita. Roadside -kahvilat pitsi melkein jokainen nurkka, historialliset muistomerkit koristavat sen liikenneympyröitä ja paikallisista bouleriesista tulevan tuoretta leivän haju täyttää ilman. Kävely on todella tapa edetä.

Monia turistikohteita voi käydä päivässä vain kävelyllä. Esimerkiksi kaari De Triomphe, Champs Elysees, Place de la Concorde, Jardin de Tuileries ja Louvre sijaitsevat vierekkäin. Voit viettää yhden koko päivän tarkistamalla nämä kaikki. (Itse asiassa voit viettää yhden täyden päivän Louvren sisällä ja se ei silti riitä.)

Jos olet kuitenkin liian uupunut kävelemään, paras vaihtoehto on metro tai metro. Yksi asia, jota rakastan täysin Pariisissa, on sen laaja 300-aseman junajärjestelmä, joka yhdistää suuren osan kaupungista. Se on edullinen ja tehokas, ja se on harvoin tungosta, koska juna on aina noin viiden minuutin välein.

Tekemistä Pariisissa

Liian monta mainita. Haha. Vitsinen.

Mutta vakavasti, valon kaupungissa on niin paljon kokemusta. Mutta alla on joitain asioita, joita mielestäni ei pitäisi unohtaa, kun he ovat Pariisissa, ryhmiteltynä toistensa läheisyyden mukaan, jotta näet ne helposti jalka.

Jos olet kuitenkin mistä tahansa syystä, et ole kiinnostunut kävelystä, sinulla on muita vaihtoehtoja alla.

Pariisin kaupungin kiertue ja Seine -joen risteily. Varaa paikka täällä

Pariisin hop-on-hop-bussikierros. Hanki lippusi täältä

Eiffel torni

Ei pitäisi tulla yllätyksenä siitä, että Eiffel -torni on uskomattoman suosittu. Jos haluat käyttää ja kiivetä torniin, sinun on tehtävä varaus etukäteen. Täällä oleva jono voi hulluksi, mutta se voidaan ohittaa, jos varaat sen aikaisin. Lippuja on kahta tyyppiä: yksi vain kahdelle ensimmäiselle kerrokselle; ja toinen kaikille 3 tasolle. Jälkimmäinen on tietysti kalliimpaa.

✅ Varaa paikka täällä!

Kiertue Montparnasse

Hanki paras näkymä Pariisiin Tour Montparnasse -kierroksella. Torni, joka tarjoaa sen, mitä monet pitävät Pariisin parhaan näkymän. Olen kokeillut sitä kahdesti ja se on todella henkeäsalpaava. Parasta tarkistaa juuri ennen hämärää, jotta voit nähdä auringonlaskun aivan Eiffel -tornin taakse ja nähdä kaupungin hitaasti eloon.

Lähin metroasema: MontParnasse-Bienvenue.
Hinnat: 15 euroa.

✅ Hanki lippusi täältä!


Mona Lisa

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